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ISTTELKOM is at IBB’s Smart City Workshop with Telecommunication Infrastructure Solutions

ISTTELKOM is at IBB’s Smart City Workshop with Telecommunication Infrastructure Solutions

ISTTELKOM is at IBB’s Smart City Workshop with Telecommunication Infrastructure Solutions

Organized by Directorate of Smart City, Data Processing Department, Istanbul Metropolitan Municipality (IBB), “Smart City Workshop” was held on November 8, Friday at Florya Crowne Plaza Hotel, with the participation of national and international giants of technology giants.

During the workshop which continued all day long, with the participation of the companies developing smart urban planning technologies in Turkey and the world, the products and services developed by the companies in Smart City Planning, Internet of Things (IOT), Big Data, Artificial Intelligence and Analytical Solutions, which are a part of the Smart City Transformation of Istanbul, was discussed comprehensively.

State-of-the-art technology products and services with added value, which can be offered by the technology companies to the residents of Istanbul, were promoted in the workshop participated by IBB and its affiliates ISBAK, ISTTELKOM, BELBIM, ISKI, IETT and several technology companies.

The Giants of Technology Shares Their Experiences and Products

In his opening speech, Erol OZGUNER, the Head of Data Processing Department, delivered information about IBB’s outlook on Smart City Technologies in the new era, the positions that IBB will take in this process and on how they plan to offer our residents of Istanbul the services integrated with technology. He stated that all technological investments in the new era are planned in an attempt to improve the standards of living for the residents of Istanbul. Ozguner underlined that they wished to hear what the product owners had to say, in an effort to make the right decision in selecting the technology products.

Then, IBB and all participants exchanges views on Smart Urban Planning, Internet of Things (IoT), Big Data, Artificial Intelligence and Analytical Solutions at the workshop which offered a wide range of opportunities, thanks to the presentations of local technological infrastructures as well as leading companies such as Koc Digital and Turkcell, etc. in addition to the international technology giants, such as Amazon, Google, ATOS and Huawei, etc. The companies touched on their new technological solutions and the benefits of their use at IBB.

While the workshop offered the opportunities to talk about the components, layers, services of  IoT platform, urban approaches, the areas of possible cooperation with IBB and potential acquisitions of IBB, it mentioned the challenges likely to be encountered in the introduction of these systems in Istanbul. November 18, 2019


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