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Internet of Things (IoT) Services

As ISTTELKOM, we offer solutions that will expand your business and improve your processes while increasing your operational efficiency with our Internet of Things (IoT) services.

The target is to cover the whole of Istanbul with 1.000 Gateways.

Our Projects:

Remote Meter Reading Systems

Thanks to Internet of Things (IoT) communication systems, the aim is to read and manage smart electricity, water and natural gas meters remotely. Various solutions are offered to the parties for instant tracking of meter usage through the platform, verifying and storing the data by transferring them to the central system and presenting them in the desired format.

LoRaWan Smart Parking Lot Management System

Thanks to the system developed for smart cities, which provides unmanned parking management, drivers can be guided in the most accurate way with real-time parking maps through applications on their mobile devices with considerable savings in terms of fuel and time.

We offer maintenance and support services with projects that counter communication network needs, infrastructure design, system management, installation and integration with our LoRaWan solutions.

Excavation Early Warning System

The objective of the early excavation warning system is to prevent damage to infrastructure lines, ensure network security and prevent the waste of resources. The establishment of the early excavation warning system will enable the detection, diagnosis, positioning and alarm generation of excavation elements (asphalt cutting, manual excavation, compressor crushers, earthmoving machine crushing and excavation, etc.).

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