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  • Information
  • Quality Service
  • Corporateness
  • Openness and Transparency
  • Impartiality and Reliability
  • Innovation and Continuous Improvement
  • Effective and Efficient Use of Resources
  • Social Responsibility, Environmental Sensitivity
  • Sustainability


  • ISO 9001 Quality Management Certificate
  • ISO 14001 Environmental Management Certificate
  • ISO 27001 Information Security Management Certificate
  • ISO 45001 Occupational Health and Safety Management Certificate


Our company, which operates as electronic communication services, infrastructure establishment, operation, sales and consultancy;

  • To provide quality-oriented products and services in line with customer requests and expectations, valuing people, within the framework of legislation and standards,
  • To achieve unconditional customer satisfaction in the quality of products and services and after-sales services,
  • To continuously develop and improve the processes that affect our company’s goals and product quality,
  • To ensure the full participation of the employees in order to achieve the targets,
  • To increase likeability and awareness,
  • Adopting an innovative management approach,
  • With the understanding of a performance-based management system, by using resources efficiently and effectively
  • to increase frugality
  • To produce products that are stingy in energy consumption and generous in environmental friendliness
  • Working in mutual cooperation and trust with our stakeholders and producing mutual value,
  • By ensuring the continuous development of our employees through continuous and effective training,
  • to increase their competence and individual contributions,
  • To give importance to data-based information management system in order to make effective decisions.

With the perspective of continuous improvement based on employee satisfaction and education,

  • Commitment to ethical values
  • Customer expectations in the desired quality,
  • Affordable price,
  • Do it as soon as possible.

ISTTELKOM Senior Management undertakes to continue to progress in this direction and to comply with the expectations of the related parties.


ISTTELKOM knows the importance of its employees working in a healthy and safe environment. It works to instill the necessary awareness in this regard in all its employees.

Based on the fact that there is nothing more important than human health, ISTTELKOM,

  • To closely follow all national legislation related to Occupational Health and Safety and to fulfill all conditions,
  • Evaluating the expectations of its customers in this regard as an opportunity for development and putting them into practice.
  • To carry out Occupational Health and Safety activities in accordance with internationally accepted management system standards,
  • To provide safe and healthy working conditions in order to prevent injury and deterioration of health during the works,
  • To identify and reduce the occupational health and safety risks that may arise during its activities and to eliminate the dangers,
  • With the help of Occupational Health and Safety Management System studies; taking protective measures with the participation of all employees and making efforts to eliminate hazards at their source,
  • To periodically review the management system and practices in order to ensure continuous improvement,
  • Organizing trainings in order to ensure that all employees are aware of their individual responsibilities on the subject,
  • To ensure the direct participation of employees in the Occupational Health and Safety Management System, either through employee representatives or directly,
  • It is committed to contribute to the development of its suppliers’ Occupational Health and Safety practices.

ISTTELKOM, which closely follows current technological developments, always strives to increase its Occupational Health and Safety performance day by day by supporting it with trainings and awareness studies.


  • To ensure institutionalization, to develop continuously and to increase awareness,
  • Actively implementing ‘dynamic management structures’ that will ensure productivity and efficiency,
  • Increasing brand awareness and value,
  • To develop and improve our products and services in order to sustain our corporate interests in line with the developing conditions,
  • To increase national and international recognition and to have a say in the market,
  • To bring a different understanding to the sector,
  • Developing institutional capacity,
  • To produce innovative and global values.


ISTTELKOM is a company that acts only with environmental awareness since the day it was founded, and is known by its management and employees, where the future is shaped by us. Being fully aware of its duties in environmental sustainability, ISTTELKOM is determined to reduce its ecological footprint with environmental protection awareness and to improve environmental awareness at all levels of the organization.

ISTTELKOM, which set out with this perspective,

  • To take the necessary measures to minimize our negative effects on the environment in the activities we carry out, with the aim of sustainable and open to development futures,
  • To protect natural resources and use them in the most efficient way,
  • To reduce our wastes from the source as much as possible, to try to implement reuse or recovery opportunities, to dispose of or have our non-recyclable wastes without harming the environment,
  • To use all the opportunities we have to use renewable energy sources, to consume energy at the minimum level and to offer environmentally friendly products and services,
  • In order to contribute to leaving a livable world for our future, to work on improving the level of knowledge and awareness on the environment with all our employees and suppliers,
  • Increasing the ‘environmental awareness’ of our immediate environment by establishing cooperation with our stakeholders, with whom we share the same environment, especially with the institutions and organizations in our region,
  • We are committed to continuously improving our environmental performance and complying with environmental legislation by keeping our environmental aspects and environmental impacts arising from our activities and products under constant control.

It is committed with its senior management and employees.

ISTTELKOM, which closely follows current technological developments, always strives to increase its environmental performance day by day by supporting it with trainings and awareness studies.


The main theme of TS EN ISO 27001:2023 Information Security Management System is in the information processing activities used in the services of our company enables to demonstrate that information security management is provided within human, infrastructure, software, hardware, organizational information, third-party information and financial resources, to ensure risk management, to provide support for continuous improvement, to measure information security management process performance, and to regulate relations with third parties related to information security issues.

  • Managing information assets, determining the security values, needs and risks of assets, developing and implementing controls for security risks.
  • To define the framework that will determine the methods for determining information assets, values, security needs, vulnerabilities, threats to assets, and frequency of threats.
  • Define a framework for assessing the privacy, integrity, accessibility impacts of threats on assets.
  • To set out the working principles for handling risks.
  • To constantly monitor risks by reviewing technological expectations in the context of the scope of service.
  • To meet the information security requirements arising from the national or international regulations to which it is subject, fulfilling the legal and relevant legislation requirements, meeting the obligations arising from the agreements, and company responsibilities for internal and external stakeholders.
  • To reduce the impact of information security threats on service continuity and to contribute to continuity.
  • To have the competence to respond quickly to information security incidents that may occur and to minimize the impact of the incident.
  • To maintain and improve the level of information security over time with a cost-effective control infrastructure.
  • To improve the reputation of the company, to protect it from negative effects based on information security.
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